Introducing the ‘My Work’ tab!

All of your jobs to be done can now be found in one convenient place. The My Work tab will display all Inspections and Work Orders assigned to you, so you can get on with what you need to do today.

  • To reach ‘My Work’ simply tap on the tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • From here, you can view all the Inspections, Work Orders and Project Tasks assigned to you in a single view.
  • Each section is collapsible, so you can easily access the sections without needing to scroll through the whole list.

If no work is assigned to you, you will be notified on the My Work tab and you will be directed to the other tabs where you may find unassigned work.

Further enhancements will be made to the My Work view to make it even easier for you to complete your work, make sure the Happy Property: Maintenance app is updated to the latest version.

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