Xochilt Puga
Activity overview
Latest activity by Xochilt Puga-
Xochilt Puga created an article, Resolving Voicemail Issues
Resolving Voicemail IssuesEncountering voicemail problems can be frustrating, especially when it affects communication within your office or property. This article aims to guide you through resolvi...
Xochilt Puga created an article, Resetting HappyCo Account Password
Resetting Your HappyCo Account PasswordIf you're having trouble logging into your HappyCo account due to a forgotten or incorrect password, don't worry. This article will guide you through the step...
Xochilt Puga created an article, Syncing and Uploading Issues
Syncing and Uploading IssuesEncountering issues while syncing or uploading data can be frustrating. This article provides comprehensive steps to troubleshoot and resolve common problems related to ...
Xochilt Puga created an article, Happyco Inspections App Issues
Resolving Happyco Inspections App IssuesIf you're encountering problems with the Happyco Inspections app, such as not being able to view assigned reports, the app freezing, errors after reinstallin...
Xochilt Puga created an article, Photo Upload Issues
Resolving Photo Upload Issues in Happyco AppEncountering issues while uploading photos to reports in the Happyco app can be frustrating. This article provides comprehensive solutions to address and...
Xochilt Puga created an article, Accessing Inspection Templates
Accessing Inspection Templates in HappyCoIf you're encountering issues accessing specific inspection templates within the HappyCo app, it's likely due to permissions settings. This article guides y...
Xochilt Puga created an article, Organizing Properties in Buildium
Organizing Properties in BuildiumEnsuring your properties and units are correctly organized within Buildium not only keeps your management tasks streamlined but also guarantees that all your data s...
Xochilt Puga created an article, Management of Work Orders and Project Tasks
This article provides a guide on efficiently managing work orders and make ready tasks within HappyCo. It covers how to separate and link tasks, ensuring proper visibility and organization on the p...
Xochilt Puga created an article, My Work
Introducing the ‘My Work’ tab! All of your jobs to be done can now be found in one convenient place. The My Work tab will display all Inspections and Work Orders assigned to you, so you can get on ...
Xochilt Puga created an article, Happy Property: Maintenance Device Requirements
To ensure a seamless user experience, it's essential to make sure your device meets the minimum system requirements to use Happy Property: Maintenance. Below are the device compatibility requiremen...