• Why am I receiving a permissions error when trying to access the Call Complete tab?

    • Users must have access to the property folder AND be added to the Call Complete onsite team separately

  • Why can’t I see the Call Complete logo when logging into Manage?

    • You must select your property folder in Manage before the Call Complete tab will appear

  • Our emergency maintenance calls are in the portal, but they’re not going to our on-call tech’s phone.

    • Go to the user's information under Profiles:Teams and ensure the mobile number in each profile is entered correctly.

    • We also recommend saving the Call Complete forwarding number as a contact in your phone

    • If the tech still does not receive notifications, please reach out to us at info@callcomplete.com 

  • How can I change the greeting message for our phone line?

  • When I text HELP to my Call Complete number, I don’t receive the Help Menu.

    • Go to Profiles:Teams and ensure your mobile phone number is listed as your ‘Work Number’

  • Can anyone text HELP to the Call Complete number and access the Help Menu?

    • No. The access is permission-based. Please see this article for details.

  • What if a resident continues to text the Call Complete number after their emergency request is resolved?

    • If the emergency request has been marked ‘Complete’ or if at least 24 hours have passed since the original request was made, the resident will receive an automated text directing them to call the office number to initiate a new request.

  • I forgot my password and the “Forgot Password” link isn’t working.

  • Is a Smartphone required for the on-call maintenance techs and do we have to download any apps to access the maintenance tech features?

    • Yes, a Smartphone is required for all on-call techs; however, you do not have to download an app. All features will work on any Smartphone with SMS and a web browser.


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