Vendor Management in Happy Property makes it easy to assign work orders to vendors, improve vendor performance, and increase productivity onsite.
Please note, you can identify a vendor as the diamond icon separate to a user with the circle icon.
Example of the diamond icon
Create Vendor (one at a time)
- Within Happy Property Management, select the property folder you are working on.
- Select Vendors on the left
- Select the New Vendor button.
- Input Vendor Details:
- Name of the vendor (please be sure to not misspell the business name to avoid duplicate vendors)
- Category
- Category represents the Vendor Type not the Task category. You can select more than one category
- Email address
- Phone number
Click Create Vendor.
Bulk Upload Vendors
- Within Manage, select Vendors (on the left side of the webpage)
- Download the CSV Template from the ‘⋮’ menu on the Vendors page
- Add your vendor information
- Press Select CSV and Import below
- Select "Import Vendors"
- Select CSV File and Upload
- Each vendor needs at least a Vendor Name and one Category
- Multiple categories can be specified, using a semicolon (’;’)
Assign/Unassign Vendor to a Task
- Once you have created the vendor, you are able to assign the task. Now you can assign them to tasks in a couple of places!
- Within Manage, select Tasks on the left, this will take you to Tasks View.
- Select the Task that you would like to assign the vendor to. (Both maintenance and project has vendors shown in the assignee list, you can select a vendor and it will assign it to that vendor.)
- You can also assign the Task in this details view.
- Manage vendors with Projects - With Projects, you can track, manage, and view status on work orders scheduled with vendors through the Projects board.
- Once you have the Project selected, you are able to click on a Task and by using Quick actions, the assignee list will appear and you can assign the task to a vendor.
- With HP's Vendor Notification you can stay on top of unit turns. Get visibility into projects and work assigned to internal staff vs. external contractors.
- In our Tasks Mobile App, this will show as a V to indicate that the task has been assigned to a vendor.
Quickly reassign work orders
Easily reassign a work order to another vendor for review. Previously assigned vendors lose access to work order information.
Notify Vendor
- As soon as the task is assigned, a Notify Vendor option pops up down here in the left side of the webpage in Manage.
- Select Notify Vendor
- If you miss the Notify Vendor pop-up, you can still notify a vendor by clicking into the ellipses menu (three-dots) and selecting Notify Vendor
- An email notification model appears and asks the user to confirm the detail that is about to be sent to the assigned vendor.
- If the email address needs to be updated you can do so within this section.
- You are able to make changes to the scheduled date within this section, but you must send the email for the date to saved.
- Within the Additional Instructions for Vendor you are able to add additional information for the vendor.
- Additionally, you are able to see a view-only preview of the work order or the information that's on the task, including the property contact.
- Then click Send Email and this notification should be sent to the vendor.
- You will see the tag below the Task title change to Vendor Notified
What the Vendor Sees
- After you click "Send Email" the vendor will receive this email with the details of the Task and a button to "View Details"
- This is going to link the vendor to a landing page where they can "Accept Work " or "Decline Work"
- If they "Accept Work" they will see
- You can continue to update the task, add photo, and important work order information after initial contact. Any additional information can be accessed by the vendor.
- Once the work order is accepted or declined, the vendor receives another email notification as well as the notifier informing them of the accepted status.
After a Vendor Accepts or Declines the Work
- You will see the vendor tag change to Vendor Accepted or Vendor Declined
- You will also see the "Activities" being updated when there are changes on the vendor side
- System showing Vendor Declined
Filter Task list by those assigned to Vendors
- You can select to filter Tasks by Notified, Accepted, Declined.
- Scroll down to find Vendor Status
- For example, if you would like to view Tasks that have been Accepted, click on Accepted and apply the filter.
You can see all of the tasks that have been accepted below.