This article covers how to create a new inspection by copying a previous inspection.
Please note: This can only be done in app on an iOS device.
Copying an inspection from the unit or property detail screen
Tap on your properties folder and select the unit for the inspection in app
This will pull up the unit detail screen with the address at the top of the screen and list of previous inspections underneath
iPhone - Click on the plus icon (+) at the bottom of your screen and then select Copy a Previous Inspection
iPad - Click on the plus icon (+) in the upper right corner and then select Copy a Previous Inspection
This will bring up the list of previous inspections for the selected unit
Before choosing an inspection, click on the Copy Options button in the lower left corner
Select your options (descriptions can be found at the bottom of this article)
Next, click on the inspection you want to copy
Selecting an inspection will then open the inspection screen and allow you to start performing an inspection
Copying a Previous Inspection from your list of inspections
iPhone - from your list of previous inspections tap the plus icon (+) at the bottom of the screen
iPad - from your list of previous inspections tap the plus icon (+) at the top right
Next, select Copy a Previous Inspection
This will bring up the list of previous inspections to allow you to search and select the inspection you would like to copy
Before choosing an inspection, click on the Copy Options button
Select your options (descriptions can be found at the bottom of this article)
Next, click on the inspection you want to copy
Selecting an inspection will then open the inspection screen and allow you to start performing an inspection
Copying Previous Inspections while offline
Previous inspections which have not synced onto your device won't be available to copy while offline
You must first connect your device to the internet, through either wifi or your cellular network
You can then tap, hold, and swipe down on your inspection list to sync the previous inspection data
Completed inspections that have not synced onto your device will have pale green icons
Draft inspections that have not synced will have pale orange icons and the words Tap to download underneath the date of the inspection
Inspections which are synced will be available to copy anytime, either online or offline
They will have a dark green icon for complete inspections and dark orange icon for draft inspections
The word synced also appears underneath the date of the inspection
Copying Previous Inspection Settings
Copying a previous inspection will copy all of the edits you have previously made to the layout of your inspection
Such as removed or added items, added or removed sections, or if the section layout was re-ordered - all of these changes will automatically be picked up in the new inspection
There are a number of settings though which allow you to select what else is brought into the new inspection
These settings live in the lower left of the Copy Previous Inspection window
Look for the Copy Options button
Copy Item Ratings - allows you to copy all the item ratings, ie the ‘Good, Fair, Clean etc.’ from your previous inspection.
Copy Item Notes - allows you to copy all of the notes you wrote against any of the items from your previous inspection.
Copy Item Photos - allows you to copy all of the previous photos from the previous inspection.
Please note: All of these settings copy all or none, eg. unfortunately, you can't select only some of the photos to copy into the new inspection