This article covers how to start a new inspection in Manage or in app for iOS and Android devices.


Starting a new Inspection in Manage

  • Log into Manage and select your property folder

  • Click on the Inspections icon (x and checkmark) on the upper left

Screenshot 2023-10-07 at 5.43.24 PM.png

  • Once on the Inspections page, click the New Inspection button in the upper right corner

  • This will open a window on the right to enter the inspection details

  • Select your Template and Location (unit)

  • The inspection will default to Scheduled: Today

  • You can alter the Scheduled date, Due Date, and Assignee in this screen as well

    • If a due date is selected, you can also toggle on the option to expire the inspection once past due

Screenshot 2023-10-07 at 5.44.40 PM.png

  • Once you have finished entering the inspection details, click on the Create Inspection button



Starting a new Inspection using the Quick Inspection feature on iOS

  • The quickest way to start an inspection is by using the Quick Inspection feature

  • To use this you need to begin from your list of units or properties

    • If you have a long list, scroll or drag your finger down the list to reveal the search bar and search for the unit

  • Once you have found the unit, slide the listing to the left to reveal the green Inspect tab

  • Click on Inspect to bring up the Choose a Template screen

  • Select the template you would like to use to perform your inspection

  • This will automatically open the new inspection to begin

  • You can not use this feature to copy a previous inspection or schedule a future one


Starting a new inspection from your list of previous inspections on iOS

  • Start from your list of previous inspections in the Inspections tab

  • iPhone - click on the plus icon (+) at the bottom of your screen

  • iPad - click on the plus icon (+) at the top right of your list of inspections

  • Then select Start a New Inspection

  • Scroll to find the unit you want to inspect

    • You can also search by dragging down on the list to reveal the search bar and entering the unit address

  • Select your unit and then click on the necessary template in the Choose a Template screen

  • Once you have chosen a template, it will then open the inspection screen to allow you to start performing your inspection


Starting a new Inspection from the unit detail screen on iOS

  • From your list of units or properties, select the unit you wish to inspect

  • This will bring up the unit detail screen 

    • The address details will display at the top of your screen and the list of previous inspections underneath

  • iPhone - click on the plus icon (+) at the bottom of the screen

  • iPad - click on the plus icon (+) to the top right of the screen

  • Next, select Start a New Inspection

  • Click on the appropriate template in the Choose a Template screen

  • This will open the inspection screen, allowing you to begin your inspection


Starting a new Inspection from the unit detail screen on Android

  • To start a new inspection, begin in your list of units

  • Scroll or search for the unit you will be inspecting

  • Tap into the unit to open the unit detail screen with

    • The address of the unit will be in the title-bar and the list of previous inspections underneath

  • Click on the green plus sign (+) button in the lower right corner and select Start a New Inspection

  • Next select the appropriate template from the Choose a Template 

  • Once you’ve clicked on the template, it will open up the inspection screen and start your inspection


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