This article covers how to schedule a future inspection in Manage, and on iOS and Android devices.
Please note: This feature may have been disabled by your organization administrator or limited by user role status.
Schedule a Future Inspection in Manage
Log into your account in Manage
Click on the Inspection tab under Apps on the left side
Select your Property folder from the drop down menu if not previously chosen
Click on the New Inspection button in the upper right corner
This will open a screen to select your Template, Location, Scheduled Date, Due Date, and Assignee for the inspection
The Scheduled date will default to Today
Click on the Today button and select a new start date for the inspection on the calendar
Once you have finished setting the parameters for the inspection, click the Create Inspection button at the bottom
Schedule a Future Inspection from a unit or property detail screen on Android
From your list of units search for the unit you want to inspect, then tap into it
This will bring up the unit detail screen with the address details in the titlebar and the list of previous inspections underneath
Tap the green floating action button in the lower right corner
Then select Schedule a Future Inspection
Choose the start date in the pop up calendar
Next, select a time you want to perform the inspection
Once you’ve selected when you want to schedule the inspection click Next at the bottom of the window
Choose the template you will use for the inspection
After selecting the template, your scheduled inspection will appear in your list of inspections with a purple icon and the word Scheduled under the type of inspection
Schedule a Future Inspection from a unit or property detail screen on iOS
From your list of units or properties search for the unit you want to inspect, then tap into it
This will bring up the unit detail screen with the address details up the top of your screen and the list of previous inspections underneath
iPhone - you can schedule an inspection for this unit by tapping the plus icon (+) at the bottom of the screen then Schedule a Future Inspection
iPad - you can schedule an inspection by tapping the plus icon (+) at the top right of the screen then Schedule a Future Inspection

For both iPhone and iPad, tapping Schedule a Future Inspection will bring up a window to allow you to select the date and time you want to perform the inspection
Once you’ve selected the start date, tap the arrow at the top right
Next, chose the template you will use for the inspection
After selecting the template, your scheduled inspection will appear in your list of inspections with a purple icon and the word Scheduled under the type of inspection
Schedule a Future Inspection from your list of inspections on iOS
iPhone - in your list of inspections tap the plus icon (+) at the bottom of the screen and then select Schedule a Future Inspection.
iPad - in your list of inspections tap the plus icon (+) at the top right of the screen then select Schedule a Future Inspection.
For both iPhone and iPad, select the date and time you want to perform the inspection
Next, click the arrow at the top right of the window and choose the property you will be inspecting
If you have a lot of properties, drag your finger over the list to pull down the search bar and search for the property
Once selected, select the template you wish to use for the inspection
Again, scroll or drag down on the screen to reveal the search bar and search for the template you want to use
After selecting the template you want, your scheduled inspection will appear in your list of inspections with a purple icon and the word Scheduled under the type of inspection