We allow required approvals to be set up on any Project Milestone item. This ensures that the right people have approved key steps in a project and that the approval is recorded on the project.


Setting up an approval

Step 1: Navigate to a Capital Project or Unit Renovation, and click on the Project Milestones tab.

Step 2: Click on a Project Milestones checklist item to show the side drawer

Step 3: Go to the Approval section in the side drawer, and click the Assignee section to show a list of users to set as the Approver




Step 4: Click save, the approval required should now display below the Project Milestones checklist item the checklistscreencapture-am-happyhq-co-asset-management-49878-properties-161-exterior-projects-109-project-milestones-2023-08-28-14_46_28.png


Step 5: When the item is marked as complete, the Approver will receive an email and in-app notification to approve or deny the request. This can be completed within Conversations. 

NOTE: When duplicating/copying a Capital Project or a Unit Renovation where you have the option to select that the Project Checklist is selected to be copied, any required approvals are also copied over to the new project.


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