This article covers how to add an exception to the schedule if the primary tech is temporarily unavailable, but does not need to be removed from their current schedule lineup.
Sometimes the primary tech may be temporarily unavailable (i.e. doctor’s appointment, parent/teacher meetings, etc.). In these cases where the tech does not need to be removed from their current schedule lineup, you can add an exception onto the day’s schedule.
To set up an exception to the schedule, follow these steps:
First, log into HappyCo Manage here
Then select your property in the Select Property drop down menu in the upper left corner
After a property is selected, click on the Call Complete tab on the left side under Apps
Once on the Schedule, click the 3 vertical dot icon on the appropriate day’s schedule
Select Add Exception
Next, enter the time frame that a new tech should receive calls during this exception period
Select the tech from the Exception Contact drop down menu
Click the Save button
The exception should now appear beneath the regular schedule on the calendar