The Work Assignment Board (WAB) is an assignment tool that gives you greater visibility over the efficiency of your maintenance teams. It works with our multi-property view feature allowing you to select any number of properties to easily manage pods. Together, this will help you achieve operational efficiencies through effective distribution of work.
The Work Assignment Board is now in General Access. You can check out an interactive demo here.
Work Assignment Board
To use the Work Assignment Board, you will need to have an active subscription to our Work Order product (Tasks), this comes standard with every Happy Property subscription.
Note: for customers who may only be subscribed to our Inspections product, you will need to upgrade to gain access to the Work Assignment Board. Contact our sales team to get started.
Navigating to the Board
1. To use the Work Assignment Board, click on the ‘Work Assignment’ Board in the left side menu.
2. You will then be given the option to use it with a single property or to select multiple properties.
3. After applying your selection, you will shown the Board that will display the unassigned work orders in the ‘unassigned’ column. This will aggregate all work orders across the properties selected and work with our filters and sorting options.
Setting up your Board
When you first use the WAB you will start with a fresh Board ready for you to start using by either selecting a Team that has been set up, or add people to the Board using the + Add Team Member button.
Selecting a Team
Upon selecting a Team, all the users of that Team will be shown on the Board. When managing and scheduling work for several teams, you can easily use the Team switcher to quickly switch between Teams to see the workload for each team member and the specific work orders they have.
Using the Board without a specific Team selected
If you haven't selected a Team, you can add or remove users from your view on the Work Assignment Board. To do this select the Add Team Member button to choose or remove team members. You can also remove them from your view by using the overflow menu (represented by three vertical dots) and selecting remove.
The Work Assignment Board also works with Vendors. You can add them in the same manner by using the Add Team Member button. This allows you to easily assign or reassign work to vendors and see all work currently assigned.
Vendors will appear differently to Users and will be represented with a diamond-shaped avatar.
Note: you can choose to show or hide Vendors from the Board regardless if they have work assigned to them. To do this use the toggle in the below screenshot.
[Admin-only setting] Set your team’s target workload
Each user on the Work Assignment Board will have a workload bar that acts as a visual aid for work distribution. This bar shows the number of work orders assigned to someone measured compared to the target work order number.
The default target work order number is set to 8 work orders. An Admin of your organization can change this setting using the overflow menu (represented by three vertical dots) and selecting ‘Set Technician Workload’. This will open a window allowing the admin to edit the target number of work orders (between 5 and 15) technicians aim to complete each day.
For example, if the target workload is 8 work orders and only 4 are currently assigned to a user the bar will show 50% workload.
Work Order Tiles
Work Orders will be displayed on the Work Assignment Board as individual tiles. These tiles will provide users with the following information to make more informed decisions on scheduling work:
- AI-powered summary of work order issue (or work order category if description is unavailable)
- Resident communication or resident survey response that needs attention (represented with a blue colored heading)
- Location (Property and Building)
- Work Order Creation Age
- Work Order Type (Service Request, Preventative, Turn)
- Urgent Priority represented with a red triangle icon
- Work orders On-Hold represented with a yellow pause icon
Note: Completed work orders will disappear from the Board but can be revised by accessing the Tasks app from the left navigation pane.
Assigning Open Work Orders
All open work orders are automatically displayed in the unassigned column with the total open work orders displayed across the properties you have selected. You can also use the filters and sort options to tailor your view of work orders.
To assign a work order simply:
- Select the work order you want to assign from the unassigned column by clicking and dragging
- BONUS you can assign more than one work order at a time by holding ctrl or command (windows or mac) selecting multiple work orders and dragging them across
- Drag the work order(s) to the user you want to assign the work order to and drop into their column
- the Board will also prevent a work order from being assigned to a user who does not have property access this will be shown as a blocked out column. Should the user need access to that property you will need to request this from your Admin.
Reassigning Work Orders
To reassign work orders is the same process as assigning work orders. However, instead of dragging from the unassigned column, select one or more work orders from one user and drag them to another user OR back into the unassigned column.