Editing Pre-filled Template Values: setting pre-filled values in your Unit Walk template will set default values across all Scheduled unit inspections.

Manage: manage.happyco.com
Click the Settings icon in the bottom left
Click Inspection Templates
Click on the Template you would like to edit (search by property name in the search bar if you need help narrowing the list down!)
Click Edit Template
Select ratings for all items you wish to Pre-fill (you'll know this worked because the rating icons will be colored in)
Hit Save & Exit
Upon Saving, all changes will update as default values across all Scheduled inspections created from the template. Draft and Complete inspections will not be updated.
If you would like to apply this change to all future Unit Walks, update the Template stored in your "Sandbox" or "Test Property" folder. If you're having trouble finding this Template, please reach out to dd@happy.co for assistance, we're happy to help if you're unsure!
If changes are not reflected immediately, make sure your device is connected to cell data/wifi, go to the Templates tab, and pull down in the in the middle of the screen to force refresh.