Syncing is your Inspections saving mechanism. When you sync, your data is backed up to our Happy Cloud storage system. To sync is to save.


The process of uploading all of your data to our internet storage system-- or, the cloud, is called syncing. Once all of your data has uploaded to Happy Cloud, your app is said to be synced. Syncing is basically like hitting the save button after you complete your report.


There are two ways to sync your report:


  • The first way is to tap Share and send it in an email, which will contain a link to view and download the report. Emailing your report automatically syncs it.

  • The second way to sync your report is by tapping the checkmark at the top right. This adds it to the Reports section under the corresponding unit.

Once your reports are synced, they are available on Happy Manage and on any device that you can log in to your account.


Keep in mind that if you’re not ready to create a report, but you’ve finished inspecting, you should still sync your inspection. To do this, tap the icon to the left of the create report icon. This will save your inspection so that you can later come back to it to edit or generate a report.

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