Sometimes it’s nice to edit and finish adding notes from the comfort of a full size computer. And for these times, there is Happy Manage, where you can edit inspections on the web.
  1. Select your folder

  2. Open the Inspections tab. Here you will find all the inspections that have been synced to your account

  3. Select the inspection you would like to edit

  4. Click Edit in the top right. You will find all previously recorded values, notes, and photos from when the inspection was originally completed. You will now be able to change any of the rating values.


  • Add, remove or change any notes by clicking the notes next to an item


You can also remove or upload new photos. To do this:

  • Click the photos and you will see ones that were previously uploaded. You will see two icons at the bottom right of a photo

  • Download photos: the download icon will allow you to download the photo to your computer.

  • Remove photos: click the trash can icon

  • Add new photos: click the upload icon at the top. You can then select one or multiple images to add.

To save your changes, click the Complete button in the top right.

And that's it! You have all the tools to become an Inspection editing master. Keep an eye out for the next feature video to continue to build on your skills, and become an even Happier Inspector.


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