This article covers how to add a new user to either the Leasing or Maintenance team and how to add an existing user to the opposite team.

Please note: Users can only created and added to teams by a user with the Property Manager role.


To create a new user profile, follow the steps below:

  • Once you have logged into Call Complete, click on the Settings tab

  • Next, select either Leasing or Maintenance depending on which team the user needs to be added to


  • On the left side under Actions, click on the Add Profile button


  • This will open a blank user details screen on the right side

  • Enter the user's Personal Information, such as name, email address, and mobile number

  • Be sure to assign a Role when creating the profile to ensure the user has the proper permissions within Call Complete


  • Under the user's Personal Information there will be a Notifications section

    • These will only be available if an email address has been added to the user's profile

  • This section will have different options based on team




  • To enable these options, click on the toggle icon to the right

  • Once you have finished these steps, click on the Save button in the lower right corner


To add an existing user to another team, follow the steps below:

  • In the Settings tab, select the new team that the user needs to be added to

  • Once on the team page, click on either Add From Leasing or Add From Maintenance under Actions

Screen_Shot_2023-01-14_at_3.56.25_PM.png  Screen_Shot_2023-01-14_at_3.56.41_PM.png

  • Next, click on the drop down box and select the user's name

  • This will open the Personal Information page on the right side

  • Follow the same steps above to finish creating their profile for the second team

    • Be sure to assign a role for the secondary team as well

  • Once you have finished creating their second profile, click on the Save button in the lower right corner

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