How do I change the look of my reports?

Reports are the final version of the Inspection. If you want to change your report you need to start with your inspection and create a new report, then adjust the report settings before finalizing.


On iPhone and iPad, once you've created the report look for the blue Settings button in the lower left-hand corner of your report preview.


On your Android device, look for the Settings at the top right of your report preview.

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How do I save my report settings and make them available across different devices and on the web, when I create reports on the web too?

When you've finished adjusting your report settings to exactly how you wish, using all of the different report settings as outlined in our Help Articles, make sure you save your settings as a Report Preset to make them available across your devices and the web, and make them available for your whole team.


To create a Report Preset, on your iPhone or iPad, tap the green Save New Preset As, at the top of your report settings. On your Android device, you'll be guided through the creation of your first preset when you create your first report.

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How do I change the title of my reports on an iPad or iPhone?

On your iPhone or iPad access your report settings by creating a brand new report from an inspection and tapping Settings down the lower left. In your report settings tap Customize Header Report Title. Enter the title you want displayed on the reports then tap the checkmark at the top right. Your new report title will now display on your reports.

Don't forget to save your new report title, and any other report settings you change, as a report preset to access them on other devices and the web.

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How do I add my business logo to my reports?

First make sure you have a JPEG or PNG file of your business logo saved to the camera roll on your iPhone or iPad. Then access your report settings by creating a brand new report from your inspection and tapping Settings down the lower left. In your report settings tap Customize Header Business Logo then select the logo from your camera roll. Tap the checkmark at the top right to save the logo. Your new logo will now display on your reports.

Don't forget to save your new business logo, and any other report settings you change, as a report preset to access them on other devices and the web.

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How do I add my business name, a business tag line, or business address to my reports?

On your iPhone or iPad access your report settings by creating a brand new report from an inspection and tapping Settings down the lower left. In your report settings tap Customize Header Business Name or one of the other options. Enter the text you want displayed on your reports then tap the checkmark at the top right. Your reports will now display your business details. You can add whatever text you wish to display in these fields, they are free form.

Don't forget to save your business details, and any other report settings you change, as a report preset to access them on other devices and the web.
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How do I display the details of who completed the inspection on my reports?

On your iPhone or iPad, access your report settings by creating a brand new report from an inspection and tapping Settings down the lower left. In your report settings tap the switch next to Customize Header Show Inspector Details so that it turns green. Your reports will now display the full name and email address of the user account who created the inspection.

Don't forget to save your choice for displaying the inspector details, and any other report settings you change, as a report preset to access them on other devices and the web.
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How do I display the details of my tenant or landlord on my reports?

On your iPhone or iPad, access your report settings by creating a brand new report from an inspection and tapping Settings down the lower left. In your report settings tap the switch next to Customize Header Show Contact Details so that it turns green. Your reports will now display the full name and email address of all the contacts which have been saved against a unit. To read about saving contact details against a unit please read our Help Article Editing a Unit or Property.

Don't forget to save your business details and any other report settings you change as a report preset to access them on other devices and the web.
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How do I add the details of my tenants or details of a landlord to my properties?

The details of your tenants need to be saved against a unit. To add contacts edit your unit by follow the Help Article: Editing a Unit or Property. Then follow the steps above to display the contact's details on your reports.

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How do I change the time and date an inspection was created on my reports?

You have a couple of options to display the date and time of an inspection on your final report. You can hide the date and time and only show the date and time the report was created. Or, you can display a scheduled time if an inspection was scheduled.


Report settings are accessed on your iPhone or iPad by creating a brand new report from an inspection and tapping Settings down the lower left. In your report settings tap the switches next to Customize Header Hide Inspection Date or Show Scheduled Date so they turn green in the combination that matches your preference. The date and time displayed on your reports will then be updated and don't forget to save these settings, and any other report settings you change, as a report preset to access them on other devices and the web.

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How do I display my reports in a column view?

To change your reports into a column style, in your report settings look under Report Formatting Column Style Report and turn this setting on.

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How do I show items that haven't been rated?

If you're a manager and want to make sure your team are completing all of their inspection, you can set your report settings to display empty items. In your report settings look under Report Formatting Show Empty Items and turn this setting on.

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How do I change where the photos are displayed on my reports?

You can choose where you display your photos in your reports: either at the end of your report as one, large Appendix, or you can have them underneath each of your sections closer to the ratings and notes.


This setting is adjusted in your report settings. Look under Report Formatting Show Empty Items and turn this setting on.

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Can I add a field for my tenants to write their comments in a hard copy of the report?

The way your notes are displayed in the Inspections app is configurable. One of the more popular settings is to add an additional field where tenants can place their notes in a hard copy of the final report. This is known as Extra Notes and is a setting under Report Formatting Notes Preferences. In addition, you just need to customize the name of the Extra Notes field to be, for example, Tenant Comments, by setting this in Report Formatting Extra Notes Title.

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Can I print my reports in landscape so there's more room in a hardcopy of my report?

If you're preparing Move In reports and adding an extra notes field for tenant comments you may want to print your final reports in a landscape format to provide some extra room for your notes.


In this case turn the setting Report Formatting Create Landscape Export on.

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How do I add a disclaimer, or other important text to my report?

Many property managers and inspectors want to include important text in their final reports. If they're not using a cover page, then they can add this text in our disclaimer section which is formatted differently from all of the other sections in your reports.


Look under Report Formatting End of Report Disclaimer and either type out your text or copy and paste into this field.

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How do I theme my reports inline with my company's brand?

You can change the look of your reports by changing the color theme which will display the report title information and title of each of your sections in your selected theme. You can select from one of the pre-defined colors or use your company's own hex value.
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