How do I mark an inspection as complete (without creating a report immediately)?
On an iPhone/iPad: from the inspection screen, tap the checkmark at the top right of your app. (Hint: it'll look like a check mark inside a circle).
On Android: from the inspection screen, you'll see a plain check mark next to the word "Done." Tap this check mark and the app will bring you to the screen you started on.
How do I save an inspection as a draft, so I can return later on and complete it?
It's a breeze! Once you see the inspection screen, all you have to do is…
Tap the back arrow at the top left of your view.
This closes out the inspections and returns you to the screen from the start of your inspection.
You'll know you've successfully saved a draft when you see the orange timer icon next to inspection.
How do I delete an inspection on my iPhone, iPad or Android device?
You've got two options! Here's the first:
Scroll your unit list to find the unit with the inspection you want to delete.
Tap into that unit, and you'll see a unit detail screen with a list of inspections underneath.
When you reach the inspection you want to delete: on an iPhone or iPad, slide the inspection to the left and tap the red Delete button.
On an Android, tap and hold the inspection until the row turns gray. Tap the trash can icon and Delete in the top right.
Note: this permanently deletes the inspection, so be sure that's what you want!
Here's the second way to delete an inspection:
Start on your inspections list. Scroll until you find the inspection you would like to delete.
On an iPhone or iPad, simply slide to the left on that inspection and you'll be able to tap an option that says Delete.
On an Android, tap and hold the inspection until the whole row turns gray. Then, you'll be able to tap a trash icon and Delete in the top right.
Again, this permanently deletes the inspection!
Read more below:
-An overview of completing, saving, and deleting inspections