This article covers the feature, Email Reporting Resident upon Task completion and discusses the availability of the "email reporting resident" notification checkbox in HappyCo based on different scenarios. As long as the Reporter on the Task in HappyCo is a valid resident with valid contact details, the option to email should be available! 

Below are Q&A's in regards to this feature:

  1. If a work order is created / submitted through Aptexx (resident portal), which feeds MRI then HappyCo – The “email reporting resident” notification check box is not available.  Correct?
    • That is dependent on how the interaction between MRI and Aptexx operates, which HappyCo doesn't have insight or control over.
    • However, if a Contact is available on the work order in MRI, then regardless of how it ends up in MRI, it should pull it into HappyCo as the Reporter and allow you to email the reporting resident.
  2. If a work order is created by a team member in the PMS, the “email reporting resident” notification check box WILL be available in HappyCo.  Correct?
    • Provided the work order is created and a Contact is assigned in the PMS work order, correct.
  3. If a work order/task is created in HappyCo by a team member, the “email reporting resident” notification check box is available
    • Once a Task is created, the option to notify on completion should be available, with the given provisions mentioned above.

*Please note* If a Task mentions MRI Integration as the Reporter, that would be when there is no Contact set in the Work Order in MRI.


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