Happy property users can view Make Ready projects and their associated tasks and inspections in the Maintenance app.

How to view project tasks and inspections assigned to yourself

  • Tap the ‘My Work’ tab in the app navigation bar. The app will open to this screen by default

  • Find ‘Projects’ below work orders and inspections

  • Make Ready work items assigned to you will appear within the parent project

  • If there are multiple work items in a project assigned to you they will appear as a stack

  • Tap the project to see all project details including your work items

How to view all Make Ready projects

  • Tap the ‘Projects’ tab in the app navigation bar to see a list of all open Make Ready projects
  • Each project will show the location, assignee, move-in date (if available) and project progress
  • Projects are sorted by move-in or alphabetically where no move-in is available
  • Tap “Sorted by move-in” to reverse the sort order
  • Tap “Search” to search for a project
  • Tap “Filter” to filter the list by
    • Assignee
    • Location
    • Open or complete
  • Tap “Clear all” in the filter sheet to reset filters
  • Tap a project to view the project’s work items

Projects List.jpg

Navigating project detail and tasks

  • Open a project to see progress and details
  • The default “Tasks” tab on a project contains a list of all work items associated with the project. Work Items are grouped by schedule and unscheduled
  • Tap “Search” to search for a task
  • Tap “Details” tab to see
    • Assignees
    • Notes
    • Unit details; location, floor plan, occupancy, move-out date, move-in date
  • Open a task to see the task detail, assign the task and complete the task
  • Open an inspection to see the inspection detail, assign the inspection and complete the inspection

Task Detail.jpg

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