Tasks integrates with all key work order systems - when a work order is created, a Task will be automatically generated within the Tasks app. If your company uses more than one Work Order System, you’ll be able to import all your Tasks into one convenient list.
When a Task is created in Tasks, a work order will also be generated in your property management system of choice. The work orders and tasks will be linked, so changes you make to the Task will be automatically synced back.
Tasks is also natively integrated with Inspections, which means Tasks can be created from any type of inspection.
Once the Inspection is completed, any items that have been marked as a Task will automatically be added to your task list along with all the Inspection photos and notes attached.
Tasks can be accessed by the mobile Inspections app, or on the web using your desktop.
Log in to Happy Manage and select a property. In the Main menu, you’ll see there are two new icons.

This is your Tasks List, an organised look at all the Tasks for this example property.
There are four main columns:
the Tasks column gives you information about the task
the Assignee column indicates who’s been assigned to this task
the Location column lets you know the Unit or area that the task will be performed in
the Due Date, the date the Task needs to be completed by
Taking a closer look at the task column, you’ll see the Task Category and Subcategory at the top. These categories will help you quickly identify and organise different types of Tasks.
You can easily identify if the task is ‘Urgent’ or ‘On Hold’ by the red and yellow badges. These can be edited in the Task Details.

By default, your Task List is going to be sorted by the Due Date but you have total control over how your list is displayed. You can sort your list by Assignee, Location or Alphabetically by clicking the column headings.
Using the Search bar at the top, you can quickly query keywords and phrases.
By default, your Tasks List will display all open tasks. You can use the filters at the top to tweak and customise your Task List view.
Click Add Filter and select the type of Filter you’d like to add from the dropdown. You can filter your list by:
the Assignee
the Category or Subcategory
the Location
the Reporter
or the Resident
Click one or multiple checkboxes to add Filters to your list. To speed up the process, you can also use the Filter search to quickly find the one you are looking for.
To remove any filters, deselect them individually, or click the Cross icon to remove them all. If the filters don’t return a result, click the Clear Filters button.
Now, let’s take a closer look at one of the Tasks.

Simply click a Task and the Task Details window will expand. This is where you’ll find more in-depth details about the planned work.
At the top, you’ll again see the Task Category and Subcategory. You can select and new Category or Subcategory by clicking and selecting one from the drop down.
The Due Date will also be displayed, but now if you click it, you’ll be able to update it and set a new Due Date.
This is also where you can edit the Urgent or On-Hold status. Just hover over and click, to either enable or disable them.

The Assignee will give you and your team clearer visibility into your operations and define who is working on what. This can be edited by clicking and selecting users from the dropdown. When you or your team are assigned a Task, you’ll immediately be notified by a push notification.
You can also add the Reporter to the Task, so your team know who to contact if they require further context about onsite details. This can be edited just like the Assignee.

The Resident and their contact details can also be attached and will help with Filtering and organising your Tasks. Changing the Resident will automatically update the Location of the Task to match the Resident's unit, as well as automatically update the contact details.
On top of that, you can also add if permission to enter has been granted, as well as any entry notes.

If this Task was created from an Inspection, you’ll see it linked here. Clicking it will open the Inspection in a new window.
Projects are groups of Tasks that are tackled in Stages. We’ll run through these in a bit more depth later when we look at the Make Ready board.

Similar to the Task List, a detailed Task Description will be added here as well. Add or remove any notes by clicking on the text field and making your adjustments.
All the photos associated with this Task will be listed below the description. You’ll be able to easily identify which photos have been imported from the Inspections app by the icon in the bottom left of the image.
The Activity feed displays every task update — from comments to due date and files — providing a complete task history.
Photos and documents can also be added by clicking Attach Files. Documents will be listed below the photo section, so you can ensure your team will always have easy access to the information they need.
Users who have access to Tasks will also be able to add comments, allowing you to keep a detailed record of all discussions.
Once all the work has been done, completing the Task is as simple as clicking the Complete Task button at the bottom. When a task is closed, it syncs back to your property management software, triggering automatic resident notifications via your resident portal.
You can view a list of all your completed Tasks by clicking the Complete tab in the Tasks List.
New Tasks can be created right from within the app.
Click the Add Task button.
You can choose the Category and Subcategory and set the date the new Task will be due.
The Task will automatically be assigned to you, but you can change this by clicking and selecting a new assignee from the dropdown.
If this was reported by a Resident you can select one from the dropdown. Their Location and Contact details will automatically be added to the Task.
If it wasn’t reported by a resident, you can choose the location from the dropdown.
Click Create Task and it will be added to the task list.
Now let’s jump over to the Make Ready Projects board, by clicking the purple icon in the main menu.
With Make Ready projects you can view each unit’s turn progress in one matrix.
Down the left-hand side of the board, you’ll see the rows are broken up into this example property’s Units and along the top, you’ll see what are called Stages. Click on a Project and the Project Details window will expand.
Here, you can see your Tasks have been grouped together under a heading - these are Stages. As Tasks are completed, the Stages will move from the purple ‘Planned’ status, to the Yellow ‘In Progress’, to finally the green ‘Complete’.
If you require more information or need to make a change to a Task, click the task and you’ll be taken straight to the Task Details window.
To jump back to the project click the Back button in the top left.
Similar to Tasks, Projects can be assigned to a user who will act as the project owner.
You can set a completion time frame for a project, so your whole team is aware of what is being worked on and when. The Start Date will determine when the work should commence and Due Date will dictate when work should be finished by. If a Stage is running over schedule, you’ll see the Due Date highlighted in Red on the Make Ready Projects board.
You can set an entire project to being On Hold, which will be reflected on the board. This will also update the Status badges of all the Tasks associated with this Project.
If you’re in the Make Ready Project board and need to add a Task, you can quickly and easily do this from here by clicking the Add Task button - so there’s no need to jump between screens or apps.
Completing a Project is as simple as completing a Task, just click the Complete Project button. Any Tasks linked to this Project will also be marked as completed.
In the top right, you’ll see your Average Turn time as well as other useful stats, which will be calculated automatically, so you can instantly assess your team's performance.