This article covers how to access and customize the formatting for your inspection reports in the Inspections app. 


How to Access Your Report Settings

  • Report settings, where you customize the look of your reports, can only be accessed when generating new reports.

  • On iPhone and iPad, you can create a new report from any inspection, whether in progress or already completed by entering the inspection and tapping the reports icon, the Plus and Paper icon in the top right of the inspection screen.

    • If the inspection is complete you need to tap the Create New button as well.

  • On Android, enter the inspection then tap the purple, floating, action button in the lower fight corner and Add Report.


Displaying Ratings In Columns

  • Column style reports are a great visual way to quickly see the condition of your unit or property.

  • Rather than the value printing out in your reports as text your ratings, for example Good, Marked, Needs Replacing, will be set as a column header and a checkmark printed in the corresponding column when a rating has been selected. 

  • If there are different rating sets in your sections, each type of rating: checkbox, radio-button and drop-down, will have their own group of columns in your report.

  • To display your reports in columns, go to your report settings under Report Formatting

  • Tap the switch next to Column Style Report so it turns green.

  • The report preview will then update and display your report in column style.

  • When you're done changing the report style, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.

  • Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.

  • You can then complete and share your report.


Displaying Items That Have Not Been Rated

  • By default Inspections hides items in your inspection which have not been rated. 

  • You may want these empty items to be displayed

    • For example Managers may turn this setting on in their report settings to ensure staff are completing all necessary items in an inspection.

  • To display empty items, in your report settings under Report Formatting tap the switch next to Show Empty Items so it turns green.

  • The report preview will then update and display empty items in your report.

  • When you're done updating the way empty items are displayed, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.

  • Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.

  • You can then complete and share your report.


Displaying Photos Underneath Each Section Instead of an Appendix

  • By default the Inspections app will format your reports so photos are included as an Appendix at the end of your report, titled 'Photos' and the date of your inspection. 

  • You may find it easier to compare ratings and notes with your photos by having them underneath each section in your report.

  • To display your photos under each of their respective sections on your reports, in your report settings under Report Formatting tap the switch next to Photo Inline so it turns green.

  • The report preview will then update and display your photos underneath each section.

  • When you're done updating the way your photos are displayed, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.

  • Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.

  • You can then complete and share your report.


Displaying Notes in a Different Format

  • By default the Inspections app will display your notes in a box to the right of your ratings.

  • You may want to display this box underneath your ratings, for example if you want more room for longer form notes.

  • Alternatively, you can hide the notes and only display your ratings.

  • To have your notes displayed underneath ratings, or hidden, in your report settings under Report Formatting tap the switch next to Notes Preferences dialogue to bring up the note settings.

  • The default setting is Display Inspector Notes Inline, it will be highlighted green and have a checkmark to the left.

  • To display your notes under ratings, tap Display Inspector Notes Below Ratings

  • Next, tap the checkmark at the top right of the note settings.

  • To hide your notes altogether, tap Hide All then tap the checkmark at the top right of the note settings.

  • Your report preview will then update to show the adjusted notes settings.

  • When you're done updating the way your notes are displayed, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.

  • Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.

  • You can then complete and share your report.


Adding an Additional Field On Your Report for Extra Notes

  • By default the Inspections app only displays the notes you, as the inspector, have completed in your inspection. 

  • If you would like an additional field to be displayed on a final report you can add a blank area for extra notes.

    • For example, if you're preparing reports that are used as move in reports and you would like an area for tenants to make their own notes on a hard-copy of the report, you can add an Extra Notes field and label it Tenant Comments.

  • Similar to the default inspector's notes, you can choose to display this extra field either in line with the item and rating, or underneath the ratings.

  • To add an extra notes field to your reports, in your report settings tap Report Formatting,

  • Then Notes Preferences and select either Display Notes and Extra Notes Inline, or Display Inspector Notes and Extra Notes Below Rating

  • Next, tap the checkmark at the top right.

  • The report preview will then update to show an extra box for notes that can be completed on a hard-copy of the report.

  • The default name of the extra notes field is Notes 2.

  • To rename the extra notes, in your report settings tap Report Formatting, then Extra Notes Title.

  • Enter the name, for example 'Tenant Comments', then tap the checkmark at the top right.

  • Your report preview will then update to show the new title for your extra notes.

  • When you're done updating your reports for extra notes, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.

  • Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.

  • You can then complete and share your report.



Setting Your Report To Print in Landscape

  • By default the Inspections app will generate all of your reports in portrait format when downloaded as a PDF.

  • You may want to change this setting to have your PDFs as landscape.

    • Most often customers will change this if they're preparing Move In reports and have added Extra Notes fields. 

  • To generate landscape reports, in your report settings under Report Formatting tap the switch next to Create Landscape Export so that it turns green.

  • You will not notice any change to the report preview in your app.

    • The only place you will notice this, is when you download your reports as PDF, the final file will be formatted as landscape.

  • When you're done updating the way your reports are formatted, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.

  • Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.

  • You can then complete and share your report.


Adding an End of Report Disclaimer

  • By default the Inspections app does not include any disclaimer text at the end of your report.

  • You may want to change this setting to have your reports include important text at the end of your reports.

  • The formatting of this section isn't constrained to the formatting of your notes like other sections of your reports

    • You can include large paragraphs in here with important information for the end user of your reports.

  • For example, as a Property Manager, you may include a legal disclaimer as well as any other important notes that your state's real estate association requires on your reports.

  • Alternatively, customers prepare a separate cover sheet to their Inspections reports.

  • To add a disclaimer, in your report settings under Report Formatting tap End of Report Disclaimer and enter your text.

  • You can copy and paste paragraphs into this section instead of typing it all by hand and simple formatting such as paragraph breaks, dots on lists and more will be included.

    • Some experimentation may be required to achieve what you're after, and feel free to contact us on the Support team for advice.

  • Your report preview will then update to include the text at the end of your report underneath the title Important Information Regarding This Report.

  • When you're done updating your reports to include a disclaimer and other important text, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.

  • Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.

  • You can then complete and share your report.



Changing the Color Theme of Your Report

  • Changing the color theme of your reports is a great way to bring them inline with your brand.

  • By default the theme is dark gray and theme color affects the title of your report and the titles of each section.

  • To change your Inspections report color, in your report settings under Report Formatting tap Theme Color 

  • Next, select one of the predefined colors or enter your brand's hex value

  • Then select the checkmark at the top right of the selection screen.

  • Your report preview will then update to show the new color theme.

  • When you're done updating your report's color theme, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.

  • Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.

  • You can then complete and share your report.

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