This article covers how to edit your report title, add a logo, add your business name or address, and display the inspector or contact details on your reports in the Inspections app.
Please note:
Our Android app includes a Report Customization workflow which walks you through a number of settings in this article the first time you prepare a report, this is discussed in our Help Article Editing Reports: Report Presets
The settings are still the same across both apps and can still be accessed through your report settings in the Android app.
this feature may have been disabled by your organisation.
How to Access Your Report Settings
Report settings can only be accessed when generating new reports.
On iPhone and iPad, you can create a new report from any inspection, whether in progress or already completed by entering the inspection and tapping the reports icon, the Plus and Paper icon in the top right of the inspection screen.
If the inspection is complete you need to tap the Create New button as well.
On Android, enter the inspection then tap the purple, floating, action button in the lower fight corner and Add Report.
Editing the Report Title
By default reports pick up the Template Name as the report title and you may want to change this.
Your reports will then pick up their title from your report settings, not your template name.
To edit your Report Title, in your report settings tap Customize Header Report Title.
A text field will open up and allow you to enter a new title for your report.
Enter the new title then tap the checkmark at the top right to finish.
When you're done customizing your report title, or any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.
Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.
You can then complete and share your report.
Adding or Editing Your Business Logo
To add a Business Logo to your reports, in your report settings tap Customize Header Business Logo.
The screen will open and display any previously added logos.
Tap Find New at the lower left to open your devices camera roll.
Make sure your logo has been saved as a JPEG or PNG image on your device's camera roll.
You can do this step by sending the logo to the device's email account and saving the attachment, or using a service such as iCloud or Dropbox.
Find your logo and tap onto it. Tap the checkmark up the top right to save the logo as the new report logo.
To edit existing logos, follow all the steps above to display the current logo, then tap Clear down the lower right.
You can then follow the same steps to find and select your new logo.
When you're done customizing your report logo, or any other reports settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.
Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.
You can then complete and share your report.
Adding Your Business Name, Business Tag Line and Business Address
To add your Business Name, Business Tag Line or Business Address to your reports, in your report settings tap Customize Header Business Name or one of the other options.
A text field will open up and allow you to enter a your business details. Once you're done tap the checkmark at the top right to finish.
These are all free form text fields and you're able to add as much or as little information you want displayed on your reports.
For example, in the Business Address field you can add extra contact information or in the Tag Line you might elect to enter a company registration number.
When you're done adding your business details, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.
Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.
You can then complete and share your report.
Displaying the Inspector details
To show who completed the inspection on your reports, in your report settings tap the switch next to Customize Header Show Inspector Details so that it turns green.
The full name and email address of the user account who created the inspection will display in the header under the word Inspector.
When you're done adding your inspector's details, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.
Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.
You can then complete and share your report.
Displaying the Unit's Contact details
To show all of a unit's contacts on your reports, from your Report Preview screen tap the switch next to Customize Header Show Contact Details so that it turns green.
The full name and email address of every contact who's been added to a unit will display in the header underneath their role
For example, if you've added two tenants to a unit their full names and emails will both be displayed underneath their title of Tenant.
If you've saved one tenant and one landlord, their full names and email address will both be displayed underneath their title of Tenant and Landlord.
When you're done adding your inspector's details, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.
Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.
You can then complete and share your report.
Displaying or Hiding Inspection Dates
By default the date and time a report was created will display on your reports.
You can chose whether to display or hide the date and time of your inspection though and these options are managed in your report settings.
The first option is Customize Header Hide Inspection Date
The default is for Hide Inspection Date to be set to off. This will leave the date and time an inspection was created on your reports next to the word Inspected.
By tapping the switch next to Hide Inspection Date so it turns green it will completely hide the date and time an inspection was created.
Only the date and time the report was created will display.
The second option is Customize Header Show Scheduled Date
The default is to have Show Scheduled Date set to off. This will leave the date and time an inspection was created on your reports next to the word Inspected.
By tapping the switch next to Show Scheduled Date so it turns green, it will display date and time an inspection was scheduled on your report.
If this is set to on (green) for an inspection that was not scheduled it will still display the date and time the inspection was created but next to the word Scheduled.
If both options are on (green) then Hide Inspection Date takes precedence and only the date and time the report was created will be displayed.
When you're done adjusting the display of the date and time of your inspections, or changing any other report settings, make sure you save them as a Preset to be able to access across devices and the web.
Then tap the checkmark at the lower left to close the settings and return to the report.
You can then complete and share your report.