Parcel Delivery allows site staff to track packages and notify residents of their delivery.



  1. Navigate to Parcel Delivery
    From the menu, navigate to Community → Parcel Delivery.

  2. Click Add Parcel
    Click the Add Parcel button. A modal will appear.

  3. Select Property and Unit
    Select the property and unit to which the parcel is addressed from the Property and Unit select inputs. A new select input will appear.

  4. Select Resident
    Select the recipient from the Resident select input. A parcel identification number and a notes field will appear.

  5. (Optional) Add Notes
    If you wish to add notes for the recipient, enter information into the Parcel Notes field.

  6. Save the Parcel
    To save your receipt of the parcel, click the Save button. If the recipient has opted into the resident portal and has Building Notifications enabled, they will receive a notification message in the format(s) of their choice.

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