The Visitors function provides site teams and residents with simple tools to log building visitors and notify residents of their arrival.



  1. Navigate to Visitors
    From the menu, go to Community → Visitors.

  2. Add a Visitor
    Click the Add Visitor button.

  3. Select Property
    From the Property select input, choose a property.

  4. (Optional) Select Unit Number
    If the visitor is visiting a unit, select a unit number from the Unit Number select input.

  5. Select Resident
    If a unit number has been indicated, select the resident being visited from the Residents select input.

  6. Enter Visitor Details
    You can now add details about the visitor. First Name, Last Name, Phone Number are all required fields. You can optionally select their Visitor Type, and add their Email.

  7. Add Arrival and Departure Times
    Select the expected arrival and departure dates and times of the visitor from the Expected Arrival and Expected Departure calendar inputs.

  8. (Optional) Add Notes
    If you have anything you would like to note, add it to the Notes field. Notes are not visible to the resident.

  9. Save Your Data
    Click the Save button to complete the visitor check in. If the resident being visited has the Building Communications notification preference enabled, they will be notified in the format of their choice.
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