The phone number of a property's management office can be included in any notice. To do this, first ensure that contact details exist on your desired property.

To add or edit a property's phone number, complete the following steps:


  1. Find Your Desired Property
    Navigate to Properties and find the property you wish to edit.

  2. Navigate to Property Details
    Click the Options link and select View Property

  3. Open Contact Details
    Find Contact Details and click the Edit link, then click the Add Additional Contact Details button.

  4. Add Details
    From the Contact Type input, select Office. Add your contact details. Note that only the property's phone number will be displayed on your notice.

  5. Save Your Details
    Click the Save button to save your contact information.

When creating a notice, selecting Yes from Would you like to attach management office phone number to this notice? will display the following message: "If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the management office {phone number}."

If no number if configured, it will display an alternative message: "If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the management office."

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