Maintenance tickets can be created by site teams and residents. Site team members have a series of additional options that can be entered when the ticket is created or throughout its lifecycle.


Step 1: Starting Your Ticket

  1. Navigate to Tickets and Start Your Ticket
    From the menu, go to Maintenance → Tickets and click the Create New button. The Create New Ticket drawer will open.

  2. Select Property
    From the Property input, select the property in which the maintenance event has occurred.

Step 2: Property Options

Next, select an option from the Property Options input. Depending on the option you select, additional inputs may be required. The options are used for different purposes:

  • Assign to Property: Ticket is for an entire property. An example may be dirty windows.
  • Asset Owned by Property: Shared assets such as amenities or common areas.
  • Room Owned by Property: Rooms such as guest suites or party rooms.
  • Units within Property: Individual rented units.

Assign to Property

  1. Select Suite Location
    Choose the location within your unit from the Suite Location input.

Asset Owned by Property

  1. Select Asset
    Choose an asset from the Asset input.

  2. Select Suite Location
    Choose the location within your unit from the Suite Location input.

Room Owned by Property

  1. Select Room
    Choose a room from the Room input.

  2. Select Suite Location
    Choose the location within your unit from the Suite Location input.

Units within Property

  1. Select Unit
    Choose a unit from the Unit input. Additional fields will appear, providing you with options for further clarifying where the problem exists.

Unit Options

Similar to Property Options, when Units within Property is selected, the following three options will appear within the Unit Options input: 

  • Assign to Unit: Ticket is for an entire unit.
  • Asset Owned by Unit: Asset such as a light fixture.
  • Room Owned by Unit: Room in the unit.

Assign to Unit

  1. Select Suite Location
    Choose the location within your unit from the Suite Location input.

Asset Owned by Unit

  1. Select Asset
    Choose an asset from the Asset input.

  2. Select Suite Location
    Choose the location within your unit from the Suite Location input.

Room Owned by Unit

  1. Select Room
    Choose a room from the Room input.

  2. Select Suite Location
    Choose the location within your unit from the Suite Location input.

Step 3: Ticket Details

Now that the location of the issue has been identified, further details can be added about the request.

  1. Enter a Subject
    Write a short title for the service request in the Subject input.

  2. Enter a Description
    Write a description of the issue within the Description input.

  3. Select a Category
    Choose a service category (electrical, plumbing, etc.) from the Category input.

  4. (Optional) Adjust the Create Date and Time
    The date and time will default to when the ticket was originated. This can be adjusted by selecting new values from the Created At input.

  5. Set a Priority
    State the urgency of the issue by selecting an option (emergency, high, normal) from the Priority input.

  6. Select a Request Type
    Indicate how the request was initiated (resident request, routine maintenance, etc.) from the Request Type input.

  7. Indicate Permission to Enter
    Indicate if the resident has provided permission to enter their unit from the Permission to Enter input. When tickets are assigned to a property, this is defaulted to Yes.

  8. Set Update Visibility
    Determine if residents should see updates throughout the life of the ticket from the Hide Updates from Residents? input.

Step 4: Environmental Testing

  1. Set Status of Environmental Testing
    Indicate if environmental testing was conducted in relation to this ticket from the Has Environmental Testing Been Completed? input.
  2. Report Result
    From the Results input, select if the test results were positive or negative.

  3. Report Abatement Date
    If the test results were positive, add the abatement date in the Date of Abatement input.

Step 5: Save

  1. Click the Create button. Your ticket will now be saved with a status of New and the priority level you have assigned.

Additional Options

Further options are available on ticket creation. Many of these options are relevant once the ticket is assigned and work commences, but are available so they can be filled in when tickets are logged retroactively.

Assignment and Scheduling

To assign and schedule a ticket:

  1. Select an Assignee
    Select a site team member from the Assignees input. Only one team member may be assigned at a time.

  2. Indicate Ticket is Scheduled
    If you wish to schedule the ticket, check the Scheduled checkbox. Additional inputs will appear.

  3. Select a Start Time
    Start times are displayed in 30-minute increments. Select one from the Start Time input.

  4. Select a Date
    Select a date from the Scheduled Date input.

  5. Set an Expected Duration
    Durations are displayed in 30-minute increments. Select one from the Expected Duration input.

Travel Time to Site

Technicians can log the travel time associated with a ticket:

  1. Set Hours and Minutes
    Select the number of hours and minutes of travel from the Hours and Minutes inputs.

Time Worked Onsite

  1. Set Hours and Minutes
    Select the number of hours and minutes of time onsite from the Hours and Minutes inputs.

Link to Project

Tickets can be linked to larger projects for visibility and reporting purposes. To link a ticket to a project:

  1. Select a Project
    If projects exists, select a project from the Project input.

  2. (Optional) Create a Project
    If no projects exist, you can create a new project directly from this interface. For more details, refer to the Creating a New Project help article.

Attach Photos

  1. Add Photos
    Photos of the issue can be added by dragging and dropping them into the Drag and Drop Files Here area. Alternatively, click the Browse Photos link, which will open a dialog on your computer.

Internal Comments

  1. Add Comments for Team
    Comments for site team members can be left in the Comment area within Internal Comments. These comments are never visible to residents.

Resident Comments

  1. Add Comments for Resident
    Comments for residents can be left in the Comment area within Resident Comments. These comments are visible to both site teams and residents.


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