Site team members can send a receive messages with residents who have opted into the Resident Portal. It's a convenient way to answer quick questions or pass on important information.

Note: Messages are sent to all residents of a unit who have opted into the Resident Portal. If a message is intended for one recipient only, you should avoid using the Message feature.


  1. Open Messaging
    From the menu, select Messaging.

  2. (Optional) Filter Messages
    Reduce the number of messages by selecting the type of messages you would like to display (all, unread, tenants, applicants).

  3. (Optional) Search for Recipient
    Enter a resident name or unit number into the search input to find matches.

  4. Select Lease
    Click on your desired unit in the sidebar.

  5. Compose and Send Message
    Enter a message into the message input. You may optionally add an attachment by clicking on the paper clip icon and selecting a file. Click the Send button to send your message.
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