Receipts for all your payments are accessible from the resident portal. 


Web Portal

  1. Log into the Resident Portal

  2. Navigate to Your Ledger
    Navigate to the View Rent Receipts tile and click the View Receipts button.

  3. Click the Receipts Link
    Near the top of the ledger is a link: Psst... If you would like to create a receipt for taxes, click here! Click the link to open the Rent Receipt Creator.

  4. Add a Start and End Date
    Enter your receipt's start and end date, then click the Create button.

  5. View, Download, or Print Your Receipt
    Your PDF receipt will open in a new window where you can view, download, or print.

Resident Portal App

  1. Open App and Log In
    Open the Resident Portal app and log in.

  2. Navigate to Payment History
    Click on Payments in the navigation, then click the View Payment History button.

  3. Open Rent Receipt Creator
    Click on the Create a Rent Receipt button to open the Rent Receipt Creator.

  4. Add a Start and End Date
    Enter your receipt's start and end date, then click the Generate PDF button. A confirmation screen will appear when the document is ready. Click the View Rent Receipt button to view your receipt. It will open in your device's browser.
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