You may encounter situations where new applicants need to be added to an application that is already in progress.


  1. Open Your Desired Application
    From the menu, navigate to Applications and find the application you want to work on. Click the application to open. In this case, the application will have a status of Complete.

  2. Add Applicant Details
    Click the Add Applicant button and enter details. Click the Save button. The new applicant will receive an invitation to apply.
Note: The original applicant(s) will not need to resubmit their application, but if the application is approved they will need to sign a new lease.

Yardi Voyager Users

  • When you add a new applicant to an existing application you will see the new applicant under Occupants within the original guest card.
  • We sync Guarantor as a relationship type to Yardi, otherwise it will be Other.
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