The Maintenance+ app allows your maintenance team members to claim and progress tickets for properties to which they are assigned.

Claiming a Ticket

To claim a ticket, click the Claim Job button at the bottom of the screen. This will assign you to the ticket and change the ticket status to Acknowledged.

Changing Assignees

To change the assigned user:

  1. Click on Currently Assigned User
    Click the current user's name in the Assigned To row. A menu of all current maintenance staff will appear.

  2. Select a New User
    Select the user to whom you wish to assign the ticket.

To un-claim the ticket, click the Unassigned button at the top of the menu.

Starting and Ending a Job

Starting a Job

  1. Start Job
    Press the Start Job button at the bottom of the ticket review page. This will change the status to Fixing.
Note: The Start Job button will change based on the ticket status. If the button does not say Start Job, the ticket has already been started or has not been claimed.

Ending a Job

  1. Indicate You're Done
    Press the End Job button. A new screen will appear.

  2. Provide a Reason
    Under the heading Done With this Service Request? , select one of three options:
    • Yes, it is All Fixed: The job is complete. The status will change to Fixed.
    • Need Parts: The job cannot be completed until parts are received. The status will change to Parts Required.
    • Need a Contractor: The job requires a contractor. The status will change to Contractor Required.

  3. Add a Note
    To add an internal note visible to your team only, enter your text into the Internal Note input.

  4. Add Photos
    You may add photos of the work or issue by clicking the Upload Photos of Your Work button.

  5. Save Your Progress
    Click the Submit button to save your ticket.
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