As a property team member, you can receive an email whenever a resident uploads insurance documents. The email can be sent to an agent and/or to a property email address.

Enable Insurance Notifications for a User

To send notifications to your email address:

  1. Navigate to User Preferences
    Click the Settings (Gear) icon in the header and select Automation. Then click User Preferences.

  2. Enable Notifications
    Scroll to the Renters Insurance Notification toggle and set it to active. Click the Update button to save your work.

Enable Insurance Notifications for a Company

To send notifications to your company's email address: 

  1. Navigate to Company Preferences
    Click the Settings (Gear) icon in the header and select Automation. Then click Company Preferences.

  2. Enable Notifications
    Scroll to the Send Insurance Documents to Property Emails toggle and set it to active. Click the Update button to save your work.

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